Residenza le Fontane

New Residential Complex: Residenza le Fontane

Arcégno, Losone, Ticino, 2003. New residential complex: The project envisaged the building of four housing blocks consisting of five flats each. The dwellings overlook the square, the common space of the new neighbourhood, which opens up towards the scenic backdrop

Casa Mattanza

Recupero Casa Unifamiliare: Casa Mattanza

Intragna, Centovalli, Ticino, 2002. Family house restoration: “…the house was already there… it was a matter of rediscovering its archetype”. This was the concept that accompanied the design and architectural research work of Casa Mattanza.

Museo regionale

Building Conversion into Museum: Museo regionale

Intragna, Centovalli, Ticino, 1996. Building Conversion into Museum: With a belief in safeguarding the local building tradition (both in form and in the use of materials), this challenging intervention saw the recovery of ancient openings and the transformation of some

Cà Canavei

New Modern Family House: Cà Canavei

Cavigliano, Terre di Pedemonte. Ticino, 1992. New modern family house: Located in the Campagna area, this building has been designed to make the most of solar radiation: the south-facing façade has large windows to receive the sun’s rays during the

Casa Simoni

Family House Rehabilitation: Casa Simoni

Rasa, Centovalli, Ticino, 1991. Single-family house rehabilitation: In the renovation of this historical dwelling, comprising some twenty rooms, particular attention was paid to maintaining its external appearance by eliminating those extraneous bodies added over the centuries that had distorted its