Nuova casa monofamiliare Cavigliano Terre di Pedemonte Ticino 1992
Nuova casa monofamiliare Cavigliano Terre di Pedemonte Ticino 1992
Nuova casa monofamiliare Cavigliano Terre di Pedemonte Ticino 1992

Cavigliano, Terre di Pedemonte. Ticino, 1992. New modern family house:

Located in the Campagna area, this building has been designed to make the most of solar radiation: the south-facing façade has large windows to receive the sun’s rays during the winter, set back from the eaves line to avoid overheating the interior in summer.

The living area, located on the ground floor, communicates directly with the garden and the surrounding landscape, while the sleeping area, more reserved, is located on the first floor.

Cà Canavei