Recupero casa monofamiliare ronco sopra ascona ticino
Recupero casa monofamiliare ronco sopra ascona ticino
Recupero casa monofamiliare ronco sopra ascona ticino
Recupero casa monofamiliare ronco sopra ascona ticino
Recupero casa monofamiliare ronco sopra ascona ticino
Recupero casa monofamiliare ronco sopra ascona ticino

Ronco sopra Ascona, Ticino, 2004. Single family house recovery:

The old and the new; the old with the new; the old in the new.

The new construction embraces the ruin, which strongly preserves and bears witness to its history without giving rise to unnecessary formal and stylistic mimicry. The volumetric interpenetration of the two buildings is intended to emphasise the historical growth that accompanies the modus vivendi of man and his constructions over time; the ”old” materials, such as stone and wood, are placed side by side with the ”new” ones, glass and metal, in a juxtaposition consistent with the present. The historical memory (the ruin) becomes the fulcrum around which to develop the design (the new house) of the present.

Casa Corafora