Ristrutturazione casa d'abitazione Morghegno
Ristrutturazione casa d'abitazione Morghegno
Ristrutturazione casa d'abitazione Morghegno
Ristrutturazione casa d'abitazione Morghegno
Ristrutturazione casa d'abitazione Morghegno
Ristrutturazione casa d'abitazione Morghegno

Moghegno, Vallemaggia, Ticino, 2014. Single-family house restoration:

An old, uninhabited Ticino house in the nucleus of Moghegno, next to the owners’ home. The structure was in fairly good condition and suggested that it had once been inhabited.

The ground floor was divided into two parts and registered in the names of two different owners, a very frequent occurrence in the old centers of our villages.

The project, a conservative type of intervention, involved the entire building, in particular the replacement of the poplar roof, the reorganisation of the openings and vertical distribution, the reconstruction of some slabs and technical installations, and the formation of sanitary facilities. The aforementioned re-roofing made it possible to create a large attic room with a view on the stone roofs of the village centre.

Photographs by Matteo Aroldi

Casa Sacchi